• Welcome to the Connection Center! The Connection Center is the online and physical space for all pathways to connect to Trevecca Community Church. Here, you’ll be able to stay up on what’s happening in the church, meet and ask questions of ministry leaders, and find next steps in your engagement with our church community including sign-ups, classes, and service opportunities.
    As you visit us in-person, our physical Connection Center is straight ahead. There, you’ll meet a friendly face and be able to connect to all the information we have here on the website. The hope is that after you’ve made your way through the doors into the life of this congregation (in-person or online), this place would mark your next steps to get and stay connected.

Find information below about what’s happening this week, what’s coming up, and how you can get connected to partner in ministry with us!


  • Tuesday, March 25th Community Connection

    • GriefShare | 6-8pm

    • Open Gym | 6-9pm

    • Board Games | 6-9pm | Lobby

    • DanceFit | 7pm | The Well

  • Wednesday, March 26th

    • Trevecca Kids: The Mount

    • Trevecca Youth: The Well

    • Choir & Orchestra: Choir Room & Sanctuary

    • Community Groups

      • Good Conversations | 7-8pm | Prayer Chapel

      • Find Your Flow Yoga | 6:45-7:45pm | LL01

      • The Circle of Hope | 6:30-7:30pm | LL03

  • Thursday, March 27th – Rebecca’s House | 3-5pm


  • Good Neighbor Weekend – April 5-6th

  • Baptism Class – April 13th

  • Second Sunday at the Park – April 13th

  • College Night at Nashville SC – April 26th

Contact us at info@trevecca.church for more information.



The good news of the Gospel is not meant to be kept to ourselves - it should be shared and given freely, just as it was for us.

At Trevecca, we do this in two ways. First, we live missionally right where we are. By forming relationships with family, neighbors, friends, or coworkers, we can pray for and create opportunities to share the Christ with those already around us.

Second, we partner with existing organizations and missionaries to provide avenues for sharing our faith and meeting needs both locally and around the world.

  • We serve our local community through one-day service projects, weekly initiatives for the homeless and incarcerated, and in our urban neighborhood, Napier Community.

    Local Partners:

    Project Glean

    Rebecca’s House

    Room in the Inn

    Nashville Rescue Mission

    CrossBridge, Inc.

    KidPOWER / YouthPOWER