Trevecca: Preschool

  • From infants to crawlers to walkers, you can be sure that your children are in good hands. Our childcare workers are more than babysitters - they want to get to know you and your child as we seek to provide a nurturing environment while you worship. Besides caring for your child, we will offer them a chance to play in our playroom, sing worship songs, hear God's word, and make crafts.

    While you attend one of our worship gatherings, you can know that your children are taken care of. If we need you for any reason, we'll call the cell phone number you provide at check-in.

    Nursing Mother's Room

    If you are a nursing mother, we have a room just for you. Just head down the nursery hallway through the glass doors on your left. There's a special room just inside the doors to your left.

  • During worship services, your child will be in the care of several trained volunteers and Trevecca staff members, all of whom meet required background standards.

    Our goal is to encourage preschoolers in a growing, loving relationship with Jesus Christ and others in an atmosphere where they feel a sense of belonging. We present Biblical learning materials with a hands-on approach to help establish an active faith in the hearts of the children.

    We’ve designed age-appropriate classes just for them where we learn through a variety of stories, crafts, Bible action songs, and other activities.

Trevecca: Kids

(Kindergarten – 5th Grade)

  • At Trevecca Kids, we believe God created children to love God, love others, and serve the world. The role of our leaders is to partner with God and families in nurturing this by providing a welcoming and safe environment for all children.

    Our weekly rhythms are designed to provide space for children to

    1) explore and grow in their relationship with God,

    2) build community with other followers of Jesus, and

    3) serve the world.

    We do this through:

    ·      9:00 AM - Sunday School

    o   Grade level classes where kids explore their faith and the Bible through

    creative storytelling, interactive activities, education on the bible and spiritual

    disciplines, and space to think and ask questions.

    ·      10:30 AM – Sunday Worship

    o   K-5th grade are together as we worship God and are shaped by God through

    singing, storytelling, exploring the Bible, prayer stations, small groups, etc.

    ·      6:30 PM – Wednesday Nights

    o   K-5th grade exploring our faith together through mission nights, Godly Play, community building, games, and serving.

    Lead Team

    ·      4th and 5th grade students are given opportunities to lead through setting up the room, running sound and projectors, mentoring younger students, and leading small group discussions.

  • On Sundays, the Mount opens at 8:50 AM and remains open until 11:50AM.

    Each child must be signed in by their guardian using our check-in system on the touch screen computer.

    There are two check-in stations available:

    1) on the main level near the nursery area, and

    2) up the stairs by the elevator, at the entrance to the Mount.

    Each check-in sticker set contains

    1) a sticker with the child’s name for the child to wear, and 2) a guardian sticker.

    The guardian sticker must be presented at pick-up. Once kids have been signed in and stickered, students are led to the game room or their classrooms. Each classroom has a minimum of two volunteer staff members. Adult staff members are background checked and have received Ministry Safe training.

    On Wednesdays, the Mount opens at 6:30PM and remains open until 8:10PM. The same check in procedures as above are followed.

  • On Sundays, guardians proceed upstairs to the Mount and present the staff member with the guardian sticker they received at check-in. The staff member will bring your child to you.

    On Wednesdays, guardians proceed to the Courts, located on the main level, and present the staff member with the guardian sticker they received at check-in. The staff member will bring your child to you.

  • We believe the family is the primary faith influence in the lives of children. We seek to partner with families in nurturing kids’ relationships with God, others, and the world around them.

    Want more information? Contact Pastor Isaac here.

    Want to volunteer in Children’s Ministry at Trevecca Kids? Click here

Trevecca: Youth

(6th - 12th Grade)

  • Our youth ministry is devoted to middle school and high school students living in and around Nashville who are grappling with how their generation belongs in the Kingdom of God.

    We believe that the teens and pre-teens are some of the primary ambassadors of Christ in our neighborhoods, and so, as a church, we want to invest heavily in the lives of these amazing young adults.

    Our middle school and high school students not only learn but live out their faith and express what it means to be the Church. They engage in Bible study, spend time in prayer, and engage in service opportunities throughout the year. The leaders believe strongly in helping students have fun, build healthy friendships, and develop a deeper faith that translates into action.

  • Sundays | 9 am - The Well (Lower Level)

    Sundays | 4-6 pm - The Well (Lower Level)

    Wednesdays | 6-8 pm - The Well (Lower Level)

    Make sure to bring a water bottle and wear clothes you can be active in.

  • The Trevecca youth ministry is located on the lower level in a space referred to as "The Well". A well is often thought of as a stationary place for gathering water. It has been a place of survival throughout history as people seek out the life-giving resource it provides.

    The Well is simply that — a life-giving resource to usher the presence of God into the world. It is not a room, place, or space online. It’s an encounter with the presence of God that gives light and hope to a broken world. Draw near to the well.

  • Text: TCCTHEWELL to 74212

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